Daily Fuel 31: Enduring Short-Term Pain For Long-Term Gain


POINT #1: No Pain, No Gain

  • Short-term, uncomfortable sacrifice leads to long-lasting results.
  • This prevents larger problems later on.

POINT #2: Percolating Pain

  • Explain a little at a time to avoid a massive eruption of miscommunication.
  • This steadily takes our stresses down, bit by bit.

POINT #3: Avoid the Buildup 

  • Situations will require being handled eventually, no matter how long to put them off.
  • A few uncomfortable conversations are a lot better than one massive blowup due to frustration.


  • Where in your Core 4 (body, being, balance and business) are you willing to invest in a little bit of pain to bring a greater long term gain?


  • Honestly ask yourself, are you in a focus of prevention or are you in a state that you are just dealing with the pain?


“We’ve been trained as a society to avoid this short-term painful conversation. And yet we end up creating for ourselves an inevitable place in which we are brought to our knees and become compelled and forced to make the decision by pain.” — Garrett J White

Love and Light, 

Garrett J White – The Master Coach Mentor
Founder, Wake Up Warrior Academy
Leader, Wake Up Warrior Movement
Creator, Warrior Week

P.S.  Have You Seen the Documentary?

Inside this 90 Minute Documentary you will Learn How To Unlock (Nearly) Unlimited SEX, POWER & MONEY Without Having to Cheat on Your Wife, Get A Divorce, Ignore Your Children, Leave Your Church, Sedate with Drugs or Party Like a Rock Star In Las Vegas.