Ever seen a grown man cry? [video]

It’s something else to a see Warrior Man spill tears in the passion he has for his wife, his kids, his life…

And at Warrior, it’s a sacred event.

Some believe real men don’t cry…

For us?

When a Warrior spills sacred tears to express his anger, his hurt, his passion, his love – we honor him.

Alan Earl, brother #23, is one of those men that we honor today.

In an authentic, candid interview, Alan gives us a straight-talk describing how living by

• The Code

• The Core and

• The Keys

changed everything for him. [click the image to watch]

• Owner of “Local One Media”, an Ad Agency in Arizona

• Father

• Husband

• and Warrior Man

Alan isn’t different from you – and likely neither is your pain.

Which this 95 second video now to hear his words and see the tears of a man who turned it all around.

Click Here To Watch Now.

Love and Light,

– Garett