CLARIFY – The Magic of Focus
Standing amidst a whirlwind of life’s complexities, the modern individual is constantly bombarded with choices, dilemmas, and distractions. Our senses are overwhelmed, our minds are cluttered, and often, we find ourselves pulled in countless directions and while our facts and our feelings are crucial without focus things fly out of control fast. This is where…
Daily FUEL 15: Different Strokes for Different Folks
Wake Up Warrior [Fuel 15] Different Strokes for Different Folks CLICK HERE TO LISTEN NOW IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: Balancing the World with Differences POINT #2: Different Strokes POINT #3: Customizing Past the Blanket Approach QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Understand what it is that you want. When you’re clear about what…
What do you want? [Do You Even Know?]
Warrior, So here is the question? Once you can BE REAL. Once you can GET RAW. What is the next step? STAY RELEVANT. What the hell does that mean? LET ME SHARE A STORY WITH YOU: So I sat there in my kitchen with my wife frustrated as hell for the 1000th time with our relationship and…
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