Tag: Truth
The STACK Summary: Integration of the Stack with the Code & the Game
The Pinnacle of Transformation. The process of transformation is a journey, not a destination. It’s intricate, deeply personal, and ever-evolving. The Stack weapon is a crucial tool in this journey, a process that empowers individuals to master their thoughts, actions, and, ultimately, their destinies. As we dive deep into the essence of The Stack, we…
STRIKE – The Warrior’s Call to Action and Execution
The Culmination of Stacking. The art of stacking is not merely a reflective ritual. Instead, it’s a sequence designed to propel us into decisive action. While the first three stages shape our mindset and perspective, the final stage of the Strike brings transformation into tangible reality. Why Action is Paramount. A vast majority live in…
STRUGGLE – The Warrior’s Battle for Clarity of What They Want
Every transformative journey encounters a crucible, an intense trial that reshapes the soul. For a Warrior, this Crucible is named Struggle when stacking. The Journey to this Battleground, upon choosing to Stop, creating a deliberate pause from life’s relentless momentum, and bravely opting to Submit to their reality’s raw, unfiltered truths, the Warrior steps onto the challenging terrain of the Struggle.…
SUBMIT – The Warrior’s Truth About the Where and What
In the vast landscape of our minds, there are territories uncharted, corners shadowed by denial, and fields flourishing with stories and emotions we seldom dare to acknowledge. After the deliberate pause, the act of Stop, we embark on the following pivotal phase: Submit. This is where the obscured becomes illuminated, and what has been denied…
Daily Fuel 23: Sometimes Your Fears Are Nothing But Bullshit
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: The Way We Operate POINT #2: Shitting Away Our Fears POINT #3: Turning Fiction Into Non-Fiction QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Oftentimes in our lives we have these stories about these fears where ‘if I do this, then this will happen.’ There’s some cataclysmic experience at the end of…
Daily FUEL 16: It Just Is What It is
Wake Up Warrior [Fuel 16] It Just Is What It is CLICK HERE TO LISTEN NOW IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: It Just Is…Deal With It POINT #2: The Human Nature of Comparing POINT #3: Shift the Comparison Inwardly QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “When it comes to comparing myself against myself, my game has progressed…
Daily FUEL 5: No More Assumptions
Wake Up Warrior. [Fuel 5] No More Assumptions CLICK HERE TO LISTEN NOW IN TODAY’S FUEL.. POINT #1: Assumptions are Bullshit. POINT #2: We are Scared to hear the truth? POINT #3: Simplify your desires and Clearly Communicate. QUESTION OF THE DAY: Where are you making assumptions in relationship to another person right now? CHALLENGE OF THE DAY:…
Daily FUEL 3: You Just Have to “Get Into It”
Wake Up Warrior [Fuel 3] You Just Have to “Get Into It,” to “Get Into It” CLICK HERE TO LISTEN NOW IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: Waking Up With No Desire? POINT #2: The Non-Negotiable’s of Life… POINT #3: Guilt Will Destroy You. QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: Once you are clear about that…
Your Emotions Don’t Make You Weak….
Warrior, “I’m good”. This was the response I was used to giving for the simple question I was asked 5-10 times every day from people all around me… “How Are you?” Yet on most days when I said, “I’m good” I was Lying. But because I was a fucking liar I had created a world…
Why Do You Lie Brother?
Warrior, I sat there staring into the Mirror. Lost, confused and unclear. I HAD NO IDEA WHAT WAS TRUE ANYMORE. I had lied to myself for so long it seemed impossible for me to actually know what was true anymore. WORST OF ALL I LIED TO MYSELF ABOUT EVERYTHING. But that day something changed. I DECIDED TO STOP…
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