The General’s Tent – Strategizing with the Divine

Amid the vast battlefields of life, where every Warrior wages a relentless war toward their vision, there is a sacred space reserved for reflection, recalibration, and reinvigoration. This revered haven is known as The weekly General’s Tent.

The Sanctuary of Strategic Reflection.

Imagine, if you will, a grand tent, ornate yet somber, set in the tranquil heart of your battleground. Within it, the dim golden glow of lanterns casts long shadows reminiscent of the week’s challenges. Here, seated at a robust table covered in maps and scrolls, you rendezvous with the most esteemed of allies: GOD.

The Fourfold Strategy Session.

The General’s Tent isn’t just a space; it’s a ceremony. A ritual. It is a pivotal moment where you and the divine engage in a weekly strategic session. This congregation has four essential components:

Component #1: Return and Report: 

Here, you lay out the tale of the week gone by. With unyielding honesty and transparency, you assess:

  • (Freedom Maps) – The progress of the Annual Impossible Games: Are you “On Track” or veering “Off Track”?
  • (Focus Maps) – The momentum of the Monthly Mission: Do you stand “On Track” or have you wandered “Off Track”?
    • ___/4 for The Game
  • (Fire Maps) – The outcome of the Weekly War: Was it a win or a loss?
  • (Warrior Fit) – Finally, you’ll delve into the details of the Daily Game, scrutinizing your performance with metrics like:
    • ___/28 for The Core
    • ___/7 for The Stack
    • ___/21 for The Door

Component #2:  Lessons Learned: 

This isn’t about mere numbers or stats. Every week of production, every day of grind, imparts invaluable lessons. Here, you recognize them, embrace them, and vow to learn from them while at the same time applying the learning from one domain to the next. This extraction of learning and extension of application allows for exponential expansion of results in a very short period of time.

Component #3: Course Correction: 

To err is human, and to correct is divine. Recognize where you may have faltered and set things straight. Strategize and realign your actions to ensure the upcoming week harmonizes with your goals.  There is nothing wrong with losing or being off track but there is a massive issue if you choose to not shift when you are in a drift.  Your ability to course correct will determine victory month over month and year over year.  It is not a negotiable skill but rather a life or death aspect of the game.

Component #4: New Targets: 

With the wisdom from the week and the clarity for the path ahead, you establish new targets, ensuring they set you up for success in the ongoing Monthly Mission (Focus Maps) and, ultimately, the Annual Impossible Game (Freedom Maps).

The Warrior Fit Score: A Measure of Mastery.

To distill this comprehensive introspection into actionable insights, you arrive at the Warrior Fit Score, a total potential score of 60. This score, derived from your performance across The Game (___4) The Core (___/28), The Stack (___7), and The Door (___/21), encapsulates your commitment, execution, and prowess for the week.

A Chain of Command, A Cycle of Success

The sacred act performed within The General’s Tent is more than just a review; it’s an act of commitment. Like perfectly aligned dominos, each day’s strategy sets the tone for the week. Each week contributes to the month. And each month propels you closer to the zenith of your Annual Impossible Game.

In the seclusion of The General’s Tent, with GOD as your guide, you rediscover your purpose, reaffirm your path, and rekindle your passion.

Warrior, this isn’t just about metrics or performance. It’s about communion with the divine, a deeper understanding of oneself, and a relentless commitment to excellence. The General’s Tent isn’t just a ritual; it’s your sanctuary, checkpoint, and crucible for transformation.