BALANCE – Partner & Posterity

Life’s intricate dance often leaves us twirling away from the people who should be at the center of our waltz: our partners and children. The significance of these bonds is unquestionable, yet they often find themselves overshadowed by the countless urgencies life thrusts upon us. Through the Balance aspect of CORE 4, we’re guided back to these relationships, emphasizing the essential daily act of expressing gratitude and appreciation.

The Challenge of Connectivity

Despite our best intentions, our partner and our posterity can sometimes feel like background characters in the narrative of our lives. This isn’t always a conscious act of negligence. Often, it stems from the mistaken belief that love is understood, that our dear ones ‘know.’ But, like any treasure, love, to be genuinely felt, must be displayed and celebrated.

Daily Deposits of Appreciation

Think of each relationship as a bank account, with gratitude and appreciation as the currency. A simple yet specific gesture, a word of praise, or a moment of acknowledgment acts as a deposit into this account each day. It’s not about grand confessions but the everyday realizations of why someone matters. And, like any account, the aim is to keep it balanced and abundant.

The Mechanics of the Daily Deposits

You will use the following statements in some form another…

  • I love you.
  • I honor you.
  • I appreciate you.

For your partner: Reflect daily and ask, “What makes me grateful for this person today?” What specific thing can you speak to they did, they are or they are demonstrating they will be. Your heartfelt realization becomes a message “I honor you,” “I appreciate you,” or “I love you” – delivered via text, email, voice note, or video. This act of love contributes .5 points to your daily tally.

For your posterity: In a similar spirit, pinpoint a specific reason for gratitude and appreciation towards one of your children and convey it to them. Your heartfelt realization becomes a message “I honor you,” “I appreciate you,” or “I love you” – delivered via text, email, voice note, or video. This act of love contributes .5 points to your daily tally.

You are always able to make the deposit with a handwritten note or message in a physical form but the key principle is that you have made the deposit with no expectation of response.  Yes, a one directional deposit into the lives of those you love.

Beyond Partner and Posterity

If circumstances dictate that you don’t have a partner or children or wish to expand your gratitude horizons, choose any two individuals in your life. Be it friends, colleagues, or new acquaintances, expressing sentiments like “I honor you,” “I appreciate you,” or “I love you” can be transformative. The foundation remains two deliberate deposits of gratitude daily.  You will be blown away at the intensity with which these simple deposits light up the lives of those you surround yourself with.

The Transformative Power of Gratitude and Appreciation Points

It is widely recognized that gratitude, when practiced genuinely and regularly, can be a force of transformation. By making these daily deposits, we counteract feelings of estrangement, replacing them with love and connection. The point system isn’t just a method to keep track; it’s a tangible representation of your commitment to fortifying the emotional bonds that genuinely matter.

You’re not just keeping a score by giving yourself 1 point each day for your acts in the Balance aspect of The Core. You’re acknowledging your consistent effort to nurture the essential relationships in your life. You’re moving towards a more connected, appreciative, and balanced life with every point.

Earning Your Points in BALANCE

So, every day, as the sun rises, pledge two deliberate actions:

  • An act of connection for Partner/Person #1 = .5 points.
  • An act of connection for Posterity/Person #2 = .5 points.


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