How to Build Your Life Around the WARRIOR’S WAY

In our journey through the Warrior’s Way, one truth remains constant: change isn’t merely about knowing; it’s about living. To live the teachings, one must structure life in alignment with these principles, molding daily actions and choices to reflect the Way.

Establishing Your Starting Point: The Frame Map.

Before starting your journey, you must determine where you currently stand. Imagine navigating a sprawling city without a map or a known starting point. You’d quickly become lost, wouldn’t you? Similarly, one must clearly understand their present circumstances before embarking on any transformation.

This means diving deep into the details of your current situation across the Four Domains: Body, Being, Balance, and Business. This introspection will help identify what’s working in your favor and what’s pulling you back. This understanding forms the core of your Frame Map—a transparent depiction of your life’s current state.

Understanding Your Journey: The Story Behind the Frame.

Every situation, every point in our life, is the culmination of past decisions, actions, and behaviors. These are woven into the narrative fabric of our lives. To move forward, you must unravel this story to identify patterns, recurring challenges, and past mistakes. What beliefs have held you back? What repetitive behaviors keep bringing you to the same point again and again? You can write a new story only by recognizing and accepting these.

Visioning the Path Forward: The Freedom Maps.

With a clear understanding of your present, it’s time to cast your gaze forward. What does Freedom look like for you in each of the four domains? This vision is your Freedom Map. By visualizing your Annual Impossible Games, you bridge the gap between your current situation and the future you desire. This future isn’t a mere daydream; it’s a tangible target crafted with care and ambition.

The Necessity of Truth: Living by the CODE.

Throughout this process, honesty remains paramount. The Warriors Way thrives on truth. Only by being transparent with oneself—by living the Code—can you maintain a clear vision of your path. Masking reality with falsehoods or self-deceptions will only lead you astray.

The Purpose Behind the Warriors Way.

Remember, the Warriors Way isn’t designed merely to make you feel good. It’s an operating system—a potent and precise methodology. It’s crafted to compress the learnings and growth of a decade into a single year. It seeks to expand, evolve, and enhance every facet of your life, building a Kingdom of prosperity.

Compressing Focus: Introducing the Focus Map.

As you stand armed with your knowledge of the present and vision for the future, the next step is to zero in on the specifics. From the vast horizons of the Freedom Map, you now draw closer to a focused, actionable plan. This compression is essential to move from broad strategies to specific tasks. This is where the Focus Map comes into play.

In the following chapters, we’ll delve into the intricacies of the Focus Map, guiding you on translating the expansive vision of the Annual Impossible Games into month-by-month goals, ensuring you stay on the path of the Warrior’s Way.