Daily Fuel 28: Slow Down To Get Shit Done


POINT #1: Slow It Down

  • When looking for what you need, sometimes you need to slow down.
  • Process before setting out to accomplish your end result.

POINT #2: Going Fast Yet Going Slow

  • Getting caught up in cockiness on knowing how to do something leads to errors.
  • Oftentimes we attempt to go so fast that we end up going slow, backtracking to fix our sloppy mistakes.

POINT #3: How to Avoid Ineffective Results

  • Slow down and be thorough.
  • We lose the whole purpose within our activities if we’re trying to move through them too fast to learn from them.


  • Where do you need to slow down in order to go fast?


  • Slowing down in order to go fast is the key to gaining and having it all. Look through your Core 4 (body, being, balance and business) and see what area you need to slow down so you can get your shit done. 


“Aim small in order to grow big.”

— Garrett’s Mentor Mind Friend

Love and Light, 

Garrett J White – The Master Coach Mentor
Founder, Wake Up Warrior Academy
Leader, Wake Up Warrior Movement
Creator, Warrior Week

P.S.  Have You Seen the Documentary?

Inside this 90 Minute Documentary you will Learn How To Unlock (Nearly) Unlimited SEX, POWER & MONEY Without Having to Cheat on Your Wife, Get A Divorce, Ignore Your Children, Leave Your Church, Sedate with Drugs or Party Like a Rock Star In Las Vegas.