Tag: Warrior’s Way
Daily Fuel 31: Enduring Short-Term Pain For Long-Term Gain
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: No Pain, No Gain POINT #2: Percolating Pain POINT #3: Avoid the Buildup QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “We’ve been trained as a society to avoid this short-term painful conversation. And yet we end up creating for ourselves an inevitable place in which we are brought to our knees and…
Daily Fuel 30: What You Do In Life Echoes In The Halls of Eternity
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: Echoes of Life POINT #2: Becoming Immortal POINT #3: Leaving a Lasting Impression QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “When we stop assuming that our lives are accidental, when we start to recognize that our lives themselves happen on purpose, that nothing in our lives that we experience today is…
Daily Fuel 29: No One Will Ever TRULY Give You Permission
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: Cesspool of Society POINT #2: Give YOURSELF Permission POINT #3: Validate and Take a Stand QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “What is permission? I’m going to have you consider that permission itself is this idea in your own mind that it’s ok for you to do or to…
Daily Fuel 28: Slow Down To Get Shit Done
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: Slow It Down POINT #2: Going Fast Yet Going Slow POINT #3: How to Avoid Ineffective Results QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Aim small in order to grow big.” — Garrett’s Mentor Mind Friend Love and Light, Garrett J White – The Master Coach MentorFounder, Wake Up Warrior…
Daily Fuel 27: Dog Training & Puppy Poop
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: Training Lessons POINT #2: Shit Still Happens POINT #3: Start Doing the Daily Simple Things QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “I would have you consider that the fastest and simplest path to creating results in your life comes about through daily and consistent small, insignificant actions.” — Garrett J White Love and…
Daily Fuel 26: Stop Being A Victim & Handle Your Shit
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: Stop Acting Needy POINT #2: Shift to the Want POINT #3: Stop Playing the Blame Game QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “The minute I become needy, I become repulsive and disgusting. And so the game becomes how do I become not needy but desirable? The only way to become desirable…
Daily Fuel 25: Face Your Fear And You Might Just Fly
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: Facing Fears POINT #2: Do What You’re Afraid Of POINT #3: Shift the Fear QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Our fears themselves oftentimes we will not face them until put into a public situation in which other people around us are doing something that we’re scared of. So maybe…
Daily Fuel 24: The Power of The Looper
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: The Shameless Self-Promoter POINT #2: Power Looping POINT #3: Care More About the Person, Not the Product QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “You have to in a sense not have to worry about what other people think because there’s always going to be a sale and there’s never a…
Daily Fuel 23: Sometimes Your Fears Are Nothing But Bullshit
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: The Way We Operate POINT #2: Shitting Away Our Fears POINT #3: Turning Fiction Into Non-Fiction QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Oftentimes in our lives we have these stories about these fears where ‘if I do this, then this will happen.’ There’s some cataclysmic experience at the end of…
Daily Fuel 22: If You’re Gonna Fly, You Might Die
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: Flying Away POINT #2: Why Bother? POINT #3: Try, Try Again QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “When it comes to trying something new in your life, you’re going to watch others try and fail. They’re not going to create the thing that they said they wanted to. But…
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