The Marketing Strategy I spend most my time on

My brother…

I don’t care what kind of business you own.

If you’re an entrepreneur, I’m willing to bet you spend most of your brain power trying to figure out how to get your offer in the hands of more of your ideal clients…

…and then, how to compel more of those ideal clients to whip their credit card out and transfer money into your bank account for that offer.

Am I Right?

The million dollar question is this,



Every guru is going to give you a different answer and point to their “go-to tool” as the best solution – which I totally understand and respect.

But me personally?

And the business owners and entrepreneurs I coach and consult with…

We spend most of our time and energy focusing on THIS POWERFUL “MARKETING STRATEGY”.

You might be shocked to know it doesn’t involve a specific “funnel”.

But it does snatch the eyes and ears of your ideal clients away from your competitors.


Here’s what I know from consulting and coaching thousands of business owners…(even the ones who’s businesses are pulling in multiple 7-figures in revenue)

👉 Most of entrepreneurs have no clue when and where their next sale or client is coming from.

👉 Their lead generation, sales and bank accounts are about as unpredictable as my teenage daughter’s attitude.

👉 Most of them throw a bunch of money at shiny marketing objects hoping it magically works.

👉 They try webinars and different funnels because everyone is keeps claiming how much they’re “crushing it”…

…yet, for some reason, unbeknownst to them – most of them aren’t even catching a whiff of the same results they were promised.

👉 They spend too much time mentally masturbating over their graphics and the colors of buttons on their website.

👉 They continue finding themselves scrambling for referrals and leads at the end of every month to make payroll.

When I first sit down with them I don’t talk about webinars.

I don’t talk about Facebook Ads, IG or any of the tactical shit.

That comes later.

The first conversation we have about optimizing their marketing efforts and pulling more profits out of it…
…is the same conversation I have IN THIS VIDEO.


-Garrett J. White
Founder of Wake Up Warrior
​​​​​​​Creator of the #WarriorsWay
​​​​​​​Creator of WarriorWeek
​​​​​​​Author of the WarriorBook
​​​​​​​Author of BE THE MAN


Feel free to inject These Principles into your next webinar, email, video or presentation and see what happens.

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