BEING – Meditation & Memoirs

The multifaceted journey of life revolves around not just our tangible experiences but also our profound internal connections. This chapter delves deep into the fourth dimension of our existence, focusing on the unseen realm that fuels our every action, emotion, and thought: our soul.  Bottom line: who you are.

The Soul: The Silent Pilot.

In the vast expanse of our existence, amidst the hustle and the noise, lies a silent guide – our soul. Often overlooked, this aspect of us plays a pivotal role in defining our experiences. We aren’t mere mortals graced with a fleeting essence; we are souls navigating the human experience. But to truly embrace the power and depth of our soul, we need to connect. This connection is facilitated through two primary instruments: Meditation and Memoirs.

Meditation: The Soul’s Solace.

Meditation is more than a mindful exercise; it’s a doorway to our soul. As we meditate, we transcend the cacophonies of the external world and embark on an inward journey. This path, often laden with revelations, introspections, and peace, allows us to tap into our soul’s reservoir of wisdom.

  • Why Meditate? Every instance of meditation is an opportunity to get centered, grounded, and attuned to our internal compass. Silencing the mind and immersing oneself in stillness bridges our conscious existence and our soul’s essence. This isn’t about a specific form of meditation; the only erroneous approach is abstaining from it. Whether you choose guided meditation, transcendental, or mindfulness, the core principle remains daily immersion, ideally for 20 minutes.  When you execute on this stress management asset of Meditation you get .5 points.

Memoirs: Conversations with the Self

While meditation allows silent communion with the soul, memoirs offer a platform for articulated reflections. This isn’t about crafting a public autobiography but creating a sacred space for daily introspection.  It is about getting your thoughts on the inside to the outside.  This can be the basics of journaling for revelation or the strategic game of stacking.

  • The Power of Journaling: Documenting our experiences, from challenges to triumphs and everything in between, mirrors our inner world. It provides clarity, guidance, and a tangible record of our ever-evolving journey. Memoirs, in essence, are our soul’s footprints, capturing its dance through the vast canvas of life.
  • The Power of Stacking:  Strategic journaling is the game of Stacking for many and this becomes the doorway to their .5 point in this domain with Stacking daily.  It is the preferred method for getting your .5 but not mandatory.

Earning Your Points in BEING

So, every day, as the sun rises, pledge two deliberate actions:

  • An act of connection for Meditation = .5 points.
  • An act of creation for Memoirs = .5 points.


As the Body chapter emphasized our tangible existence, this chapter on Being is a clarion call to nurture our intangible essence. While our body serves as the vessel for our soul, our daily meditation and memoirs are the compass and map, guiding and documenting our soul’s voyage. To truly live, one must not just exist but connect, understand, and empower the soul. And in this grand game of life, that’s where true fulfillment and power lie. 

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