Category: Garrett J White swipe files
Daily Fuel 38: The Battle Between Different & Better
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: Battle: Different vs Better POINT #2: Don’t Be Scared of Better POINT #3: Becoming Better QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Different is not always better, but better is always different.” — Douglas R Andrew Love and Light, Garrett J White – The Master Coach MentorFounder, Wake Up Warrior AcademyLeader, Wake Up…
Daily Fuel 37: Your Associations Will Make Or Break You
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: A Make or Break Deal POINT #2: Welcome to the Game of Association POINT #3: Reflecting Who You Are QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “I’m going to have you consider that today because there’s such a low level of trust in the marketplace, what we tend to do…
Daily Fuel 36: Don’t Be A Hypocrite…
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: Avoid Hypocrisy POINT #2: The Dilemma of Hypocrisy POINT #3: Sweep Away the Flakes QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “What is this hypocrisy that we’re talking about? It’s the disconnect between how the world operates for you and how you operate with the world. I’m going to have you…
Daily Fuel 35: If You Can’t Handle Your Necessities, The Direction Is Always Scarcity
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: Handling the Basics POINT #2: Avoiding the Fail POINT #3: A Strong Core 4 QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “Now your body itself needs water; it needs air, food and shelter. But what about your spirituality? What would be your core needs there? And how often do you not…
Daily Fuel 34: Can You Outrun Your Karma Or Gestation?
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: Racing Karma POINT #2: A Rushed Foundation Will Fall POINT #3: Let Life Run Its Course QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “There’s this game in life called gestation. And gestation is this process of being able to allow for your ability in mindsets and skill sets to level up…
Daily Fuel 33: Use Food As Fire To Explode Results
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: Food is Fuel POINT #2: Addition, Not Subtraction POINT #3: A Long Lasting Healthy Lifestyle QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “I’m going to have you consider that when it comes to your body, out of all of the dieting, strategies, supplements and pills and all the games that you could…
Daily Fuel 32: Find The Fire, And Your Fitness Will Follow
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: Fueling the Fire Within POINT #2: Stoking the Fuel POINT #3: Finding Your Drive QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “If you set up a challenge in order to attempt to find the fire, that you might actually get the fruit while you’re trying to get the fire. The fruit itself…
Daily Fuel 31: Enduring Short-Term Pain For Long-Term Gain
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: No Pain, No Gain POINT #2: Percolating Pain POINT #3: Avoid the Buildup QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “We’ve been trained as a society to avoid this short-term painful conversation. And yet we end up creating for ourselves an inevitable place in which we are brought to our knees and…
Daily Fuel 30: What You Do In Life Echoes In The Halls of Eternity
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: Echoes of Life POINT #2: Becoming Immortal POINT #3: Leaving a Lasting Impression QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “When we stop assuming that our lives are accidental, when we start to recognize that our lives themselves happen on purpose, that nothing in our lives that we experience today is…
Daily Fuel 29: No One Will Ever TRULY Give You Permission
IN TODAY’S FUEL… POINT #1: Cesspool of Society POINT #2: Give YOURSELF Permission POINT #3: Validate and Take a Stand QUESTION OF THE DAY: CHALLENGE OF THE DAY: QUOTE OF THE DAY: “What is permission? I’m going to have you consider that permission itself is this idea in your own mind that it’s ok for you to do or to…
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