The Door, the Hits, and Scoring Mastery with BLACKJACK

Navigating the Maze of Prioritization In a world awash with endless tasks and ceaseless notifications, the challenge transcends just ‘doing.’ It’s about honing in on what truly merits our undivided attention. Enter the Door and The Hits philosophy, an elegant solution to this age-old puzzle. It’s not just about completing tasks but about championing the right ones, propelling us towards our Annual Impossible Games of Freedom.

The brilliance lies in the imagery of a jar, rocks, and sand and the desire to get all the rocks, big and small as well as sand into the same jar. Let’s decode this metaphor:

  • The War Stack’s Big Rocks: These aren’t mere tasks but pivotal milestones. As the Four Hits emanating from the War Stack, they demand precedence. They are the cornerstones, the pillars of our weekly ambition. Setting aside designated days to tackle these ensures they’re not left to mere chance.  These are the Big Rocks that need to go into your jar first.
  • Slotting in the Little Rocks: Once the paramount tasks have their place (Big Rocks), we bring in the 16 other significant hits. Though seemingly more minor, these tasks form the heartbeat of our weekly achievements. They may not have the same weight as the Big Rocks, but their role is undeniable. They must go into our jar second after the big rocks.
  • Harmony of the Daily TO-DOs: These recurring, essential tasks may seem trivial, but hold everything together. Like sand fitting snugly between rocks, they seamlessly slide into our schedule’s gaps, ensuring a rhythmic flow.These are all the other actions that tend to suck up all of our time and must go into our Jar third after we have prioritized our Big and Small Rocks.

There is an order of things.

Mess up this order of priority and your life is sucked down the drain productively that week. If you try and put the sand in first, then the little rocks and finally the big rocks there will not be enough room in the jar for everything.  When the “sand” or “To-Do’s” take precedence over the rocks “Hits” you will get a ton done but miss out on nearly all of the strategic and high leverage, priority actions. Yet when you prioritize the Big Rocks, then the Little Rocks and then the sand you get all of it done.

The Black Jack Scoring Paradigm.

At the heart of this methodology lies an ingenious scoring mechanism, turning productivity into an engaging game. The aim? To hit that sweet score of 21, symbolically termed “BLACKJACK.” This isn’t just a number; it’s a beacon of commitment and proficiency.

Here’s the breakdown, making every point count:

  • Weekly Big Rocks (Hits) War Stack + Door: 5 points. The epitome of your weekly focus.
  • Weekly Little Rocks (Hits): 16 points. The consistent pulse of your achievements.
  • The Grand Slam: 21 points. Achieve both the Big and Little Rocks, and you’ve hit BLACK JACK!

While To-Do’s form the backbone, they remain un-scored in the Warrior Fit Score of the week. They’re the unsung heroes, setting the stage for the hits to shine. And with Big and Little Rocks earmarked from Monday to Friday, To-Do’s run 7 days a week. 

To sum it up, The Door methodology is a compass, not just a checklist. It’s a strategic roadmap ensuring every step taken is toward bigger visions. Embracing this philosophy means mastering life’s game, one strategic hit, and one score at a time.