Daily Fuel 25: Face Your Fear And You Might Just Fly


POINT #1: Facing Fears

  • Processing is a crucial step required to face something that is holding you back.
  • Getting over anxiety helps us in turn get over our fears.

POINT #2: Do What You’re Afraid Of

  • Once we get past the fear, actually doing what we were afraid of isn’t as scary as we built it up to be.
  • Think about things that are holding you back because of fear, then take the excuses away.

POINT #3: Shift the Fear 

  • When you are no longer afraid, you leave room to replace that fear with something productive.
  • When facing fears, empowerment replaces the anxiety.


  • Everything that you want is on the other side of fear. How often in your life are you making something so difficult that you don’t even want to try?


  • What is one simple step you can take to get beyond that fear that’s holding you back?


“Our fears themselves oftentimes we will not face them until put into a public situation in which other people around us are doing something that we’re scared of. So maybe one of the techniques and tricks you can use in life is to put yourself into situations in which you’re almost forced to try new things because the people around you are doing it.” — Danielle K White

Love and Light, 

Garrett J White – The Master Coach Mentor
Founder, Wake Up Warrior Academy
Leader, Wake Up Warrior Movement
Creator, Warrior Week

P.S.  Have You Seen the Documentary?

Inside this 90 Minute Documentary you will Learn How To Unlock (Nearly) Unlimited SEX, POWER & MONEY Without Having to Cheat on Your Wife, Get A Divorce, Ignore Your Children, Leave Your Church, Sedate with Drugs or Party Like a Rock Star In Las Vegas.

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