Tag: Rick Steele

  • “A COMPLETE Life Upgrade!”

    RICK STEELE CASE STUDY “I was looking for a group of powerful men I could relate to.” —Rick Steele, Founder of Select Blinds eCommerce maverick Rick Steele was already living life beyond most’s dreams. $70M company, healthy, great family. But there was a search, a gap he wanted to fill through powerful association with 4…

  • Size Does Not Matter

    “Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy” It’s also what keeps most men stuck and paralyzed to take action on their life. If you recall from last email, It didn’t matter how hard Rick fought and wanted to become a better husband or father. Nothing was ever going to change until Rick changed the tools, skillsets and principles he…

  • Answer this…

    Do your actions match your heart? In other words, Deep down in your heart, do you genuinely want to become a better husband, father and business-man who is healthy, in-shape and spiritually connected?… …yet you continue to either avoid taking the action necessary to be that man…or you take action that pushes you further away from the man…

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