Daily Fuel Week In Review February 3-9

We have hit yet another benchmark, thanks to you as listeners of the Warrior On Fire podcast with surpassing the 700th episode mark, so if you’ve been a listener for awhile, you know what that means! 

An invitation to share the value and results that you have seen within your life from implementing Daily Fuels into your life. 

Whether it’s seeing the impact of attaining a surf buddy, openly talking about sex with my kids, or seeing the domino effect of hard work and dedication, I would love to hear from you. 

Email me: garrett@wakeupwarrior.com

with the Subject Line “My Results” and share whether great or small the results that you have seen in your life from listening to these episodes. You may be a new listener, or one that has been listening back when the first episodes were nearly an hour long and patterned more as a sermons than journal posts. 

If you are chosen as one of the Top 10 Replies, you’ll receive the following Warrior Materials, over $5k in value:

–One of the first copies of the newly released Be the Man paperback

–a Copy of the WarriorBook

–The WarriorBook Manual

–The Soul Purpose Blueprint Manual

I give you the Week In Review for February 3-9:

SATURDAY, 3 February 2017:

“Fuel 697: Your Friends Learn to Surf”


It has been so gratifying watching my right hand man inside of Wake Up Warrior, Jeremy Finlay learn how to surf with me. I now have an official swim buddy to enjoy the experience, in which I’ve discovered that there’s an amazing growth that comes into a person’s life when they get a chance to lead from what they live. There’s a joy that comes inside of our lives helping another person grow. I found that I MUST lead because it brings a whole other level of fun in to my life.


SUNDAY, 4 February 2017:

“Fuel 698: PORN, Not Corn”


Porn is not the problem in society. I get that many will argue with me about this, but I’m going to have you consider that is’ the symptom to a bigger problem, which is not allowing an open discussion about the natural sexual desires within us all to occur. Talking about sex is considered taboo in many cultures and religion, and yet statistics show that these areas around the world with the most conservative approach to sex also has the highest percentage rate in porn consumption. Sexual desire is an inherent part within every man and woman, and where my 10 year old daughter Bailee is facing the impact of how boys her age are already beginning to consume porn and how it’s becoming more accessible than ever. Ruby was also in the car as we drove to school and discussed this topic  but instead of hearing porn, her 6 year old ears heard corn. She talked about how delicious it is matter of factly, giving a great example that sex is a good thing in our lives as well that can also be matter of factly discussed. When we openly talk about this inherent desire within each one us, we’re able to replace the pain that comes with sexual desires being taboo with strong connections with our sexual partner instead. 


MONDAY, 5 February 2018:

“Fuel 699: The Domino Effect”


I’ve been admittedly diagnosed as having something wrong with me, and the thing is, they’re right. I’m NOT normal in the way that I experience life from extreme highs and lows. The thing is that these extremes are brought about through dominoes that occur in my life that will bring chaos or creativity depending on which one I choose to take over. I have tools that I use every morning as my primary domino to turn what would otherwise become crazy madness to be the ultimate power. Most people are terrified of the domino effect in their life. If they have this, then they have that, in which most individuals operate in creativity with the crazy. Simplicity and creativity expand when I’m in a place of power over my emotions, but when I become a slave to my crazy, complete chaos ensues.


TUESDAY, 6 February 2018:

“Fuel 700: Episode Seven Hundred, Son!!!”


We have hit the next hundred mark within the Daily Fuel Podcast, which also means another opportunity to me to hear from you, the listener, on the results that you have seen in your life from Warrior On Fire. This benchmark has also given me an opportunity within myself to be reminded that anytime we create something valuable we also have the opportunity as the creator to back out and stop doing it. I experience that DAILY, but then, come the emails on the days that I’m about to burn it all to the ground and want to stop that I see the reason behind why I do what I do. 


WEDNESDAY,  7 February 2018:

“Fuel 701: God Must Love You”


I’m not some lucky guy that just happened to wake up one morning and became one of the chosen ones by God to create things. ALL of us have been given gifts, talents and abilities that we can utilize to make our lives the way that it is. There’s a sense that life’s results just fucking happens. It becomes the story of humanity with a struggling identity crisis that you have been blessed with talents and an ability to create the life that you desire with no exceptions. It’s rarely easy and requires shitloads of hard decisions for YEARS to create momentum for success. The truth is, we all have our own unique abilities to succeed, and if we did the shit we knew we needed to do today, within months your life will be unrecognizable and within a decade you are going to be the man that others will say must be lucky. It’s not luck, but comes off of the wake of ruthless commitment.


THURSDAY, 8 February 2018:

“Fuel 702: Training ALL Day Long” 


I’m tired today. It was the first of a 4 day event that I ran with my wife’s hair styling team training on techniques known as Natural Beaded Rows (NBR) for hair extensions. I left that12 hour day exhausted but fulfilled because I could see firsthand that what we are doing in training business tools and models matters. We teach through what we live inside of all of my businesses, and though we still experience exhaustion, it brings with it a feeling of accomplishment and renewed purpose when we wake up the next day.  


FRIDAY, 9 February 2018:

“Fuel 703: Birdshit On My Aventador”


As I was driving home from the Surf & Sand Hotel after the first day of the BMS event mentioned in yesterday’s podcast, I discovered WET birdshit on the back of my Aventador. Yes, I confirmed with my own finger. Get over it. As impressive as it is that this would mean that the bird get my car while in motion (and I do NOT drive slow), it reminded me of the symbol that this Lamborghini has become in my life of the blood, sweat and tears that I’ve sacrificed in my life to get to the place in life that I’ve gotten to. 


As a reminder, send me an email telling me of the results that you’ve seen in your life from listening to the Warrior On Fire message. 


I get tremendous value from reading these and am honored that you’re willing to share your story with you as I continue sharing mine. 

All of these episodes and more can be found inside of iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher and Soundcloud. 

The Warrior Empire podcasts continue to rise and thrive amongst all of these platforms, so in case you missed these links before, here are the locations for you to go for our top-ranked podcasts within their specific fields:

The Warrior Week Podcast:



The Warrior Wealth Podcast:



The Date Your Wife Podcast:



The Big Money Stylist Podcast:


We’ve been continually smoothing out the bugs as we get these podcasts streamlined, so thank you for your patience while we continue to deploy our commitment to you, the listeners. 


For Show Notes of the Daily Fuel, you can view at:


To get access to the FREE Warrior Software app, go to:


The End.

Garrett J White

Author, Warrior Book
Host, Warrior On Fire
Creator, Warrior Week
Founder, Wake Up Warrior

This is one of many Warrior Materials that you could win as a Top 10 for submitting a response back from Fuel 700’s Challenge to share the results via email that you have seen in your life from listening to the Warrior On Fire Podcast. With the Soul Purpose Blueprint Manual, you will receive the WarriorBook Manual, WarriorBook, and one of the first copies of the Be the Man book. Email me at: garrett@wakeupwarrior.com with the Subject Line “My Results” I look forward to reading them!

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