“My wife would ask me, “Why do you treat everyone else like gold and me like shit?”
I’d tell her that she was a bitch and as a bitch, how could she expect me to treat her nicely?
She was bitchy to me every single day and until she changed her bitchy ways, I wasn’t going to treat her like gold.”
– Paul Fung (Warrior Brother)
This was Paul’s experience before diving into the Warrior BlackBook
He was on the fast-track towards divorce and splitting his family up… Especially after his experience on a cruise ship with his wife…(which I’ll share in just a minute)
I want to ask you a quick question…
What is one thing you wish your wife gave you more of?
Sex / Emotional connectedness?
As men we are often under stress, pressure, deadlines, conflict… and in turn expect our partners and children to prop us up and give us exactly what we want…
.…because…we deserve it…right?
There’s a missing piece most men don’t even consider.
Which leads them into acting like shitty husband’s and fathers…
…Completely aware that shit is fucked up…but in complete denial that it’s because of them.
Just Like Paul…
“You see, our marriage was shitty in my eyes. Lack of connection, lack of sex, way too much fighting, way too much screaming and yelling in front of the kids, and it almost always was about our lack of money and her not working.
I’d come home from work, alone. She’d be in the bedroom on her cell phone, scrolling on Facebook or playing games.
She and the kids had already eaten dinner. I’d have to either eat what was left over, or cook for myself. She didn’t greet me at the door. She hardly even acknowledged that I walked into the house and it wasn’t just her, it was the kids too.”
Paul felt like a victim.
Like his wife and kids weren’t showing him the love, support, respect and appreciation he deserved.
Here’s piece he was missing though.
The concept is simple.
“I Can Guarantee You, Whatever You Want More of From Your Wife – Is Exactly What You Aren’t Giving Enough of to Her.”
- You want to feel more appreciation from your wife for all you do?
Maybe it’s because you haven’t shown her enough appreciation for all she does.
- You think she needs to get the kids out of your face and calmed down because you’ve had “such a long day?”
Maybe it’s you that needs to get the kids out of your wife’s face for a minute because she had such a long day.
- You want more support and encouragement?
When was the last time you encouraged your wife to try something new and give her the space to do it?
- You want to be treated like a king?
Do you treat your wife like a queen?
Or do you simply treat her like she’s there to make sure you eat, get sex and raise your kids?
Think about it…
Of everything you expect from your wife…
What are the examples of you doing the same for her on a monthly, weekly or daily basis?
You can only expect to get back whatever you put in.
It’s like a bank.
You can’t invest $1 per month into your bank account and expect to be able to pull out $100 per day.
It doesn’t work that way.
And let me be clear,
I was one of the worst at this.
I expected the world from my wife but was barely willing to give her a shred of my attention.
It wasn’t until I created the “Daily Deposit Method” that I was able to create the marriage and relationship with my kids that I have today.
It’s a simple system with a simple set of rules…but when applied daily, it’s transformational.
I teach the system in Chapter 22 of The Black Book.
In the case of Paul,
He didn’t wake up one morning and magically find out that this was the cause of his marital problems.
Not at all…
It took a 6-day cruise and a pissed off wife to open his eyes to his own bullshit and led him to making a single-major-move that saved his marriage.
I’ll tell you about it next email.
– Garrett J. White
Founder of Wake Up Warrior
Creator of the #WarriorsWay
Creator of WarriorWeek
Author of the Warrior BlackBook