Daily Fuel Week In Review January 13-19

What’s better than hitting the Top 3 podcasts inside of iTunes?

Hitting the Top 3 Podcasts within three different areas for three out of four new podcasts, that’s what!

If you haven’t had a chance to listen to them yet, click on the links at the end of this email for the new Warrior Empire Network podcasts:

–Date Your Wife (#1 Podcast in iTunes for first week)

–Big Money Stylists (#1 Podcast in iTunes from pilot episode)

–Warrior Week

–Warrior Wealth

As for the Daily Fuels, we’re as strong as ever, as you’ll see in the continual theme this week about not slowing down in life, despite obstacles placed in our way.

I think I even talk about surfing once or twice as well…or EVERY time…let’s stop kidding ourselves!

I give you the Week In Review for January 6-12:

SATURDAY, 13 January 2017:

“Fuel 676: Snot in the Back of My Throat”


I could feel a bit of a head cold coming on, but that doesn’t mean that I slow down in what I expect to produce each day. I don’t slow down, regardless of whether or not obstacles such as sickness are thrown at me, like the snot in the back of my throat. This is an example of the resistance that gets in our way that prevents us from getting what we need to get done. I’m going to have you consider that the individuals that succeed in life despite setbacks are those that are willing to keep going.  You don’t have to go fast….just don’t go slow. 


SUNDAY, 14 January 2017:

“Fuel 677: Calm Down! Catch Waves”


While out surfing with Coach Mo, he told me that it’s better to be on the next big wave and have it all to myself than to be on the best wave and fight 20-25 others guys for it. As with everything in my life, surfing has taught me a great life lesson about learning how to calm down when shit doesn’t go my way. I was missing one wave after another, getting angrier and angrier at the waves, which then made my technique completely fall apart and I got worse and worse. So, I sat on my board and for 5 minutes, focused on calming down my breath, out there in the ocean. The more calm I got, the more power I had on the waves when I went back to finish out my surf session. Sometimes the greatest strength we can show is by learning how to calm the fuck down. 


MONDAY, 15 January 2018:

“Fuel 678: Cabo and Reform Waves”


I enjoyed Cabo over the weekend with my wife, learning all about reform waves that I hit with an Australian buddy of mine that we met up with during our trip. I learned that when it comes to reform waves, I have to do the opposite in order to catch a wave on my board, going straight down the wave doing reps. Regardless of what new area it is within our lives, new environments require new knowledge. If you’re not in a new environment that requires new knowledge, I’m going to have you consider that you’re dying, because you’re not allowing yourself to grow. For me, that equals death. I would rather go into a new environment and suck at it because I’m starting out as a rookie (we are all rookies when we first start out). There are new problems  and lessons to be learned, regardless of how much knowledge we had beforehand, and the only way we can accomplish growth is in taking the time to learn. Every day, if we suck less than we did the day before, we know we’re truly living. 


TUESDAY, 16 January 2018:

“Fuel 679: Use Your Toes!!!! And Off You Go [Special Guest]”


A little known fact by many is that my wife has extremely strong toes. She accompanied me on today’s podcast and admitted that the reason for this is most likely due to laziness on her part. She’d be asked to pick something up, and she found that by lifting it up with her toes (which are slightly webbed, by the way….also a little known fact) she didn’t have to expel as much energy to get shit done. I also share something about my own toes in today’s Daily Fuel by learning a new technique while surfing (come on, you have to admit that you’re not one bit surprised that surfing is behind my insight today), and that by pushing off the ledge of my board while working on my duck dive I was able to have a significant improvement diving into the waves. Through laziness, some of our greatest skills are exposed. Putting into practice that which is theory creates a whole new experience that also takes away the fear factor in order to gain a new outcome due to new perspectives. For my wife, her laziness in picking shit up led to incredible strength in her toes. For me, learning a new technique in how I surf continues to enhance my experience and joy for the sport. 


WEDNESDAY,  17 January 2018:

“Fuel 680: Don’t Apologize…SPEED UP!!!!”


I am often told that I need to slow down in my life, but the frank fact of the matter is that the reality is, if you want to play in my game, you better speed up so you can keep up. Not being willing to slow down is how expansion occurs within my life, and something that I expect from any hot hose that choose to roll with me in the way I live my life. I’m not going to slow down so that others feel comfortable being around me. I will not apologize for the commitment that I have to bring about the financial prosperity that I have created in my life. I am well aware that in many areas of my life, I am still a small goldfish looking to keep up with Great White Sharks, but I would never ask those sharks to slow down so that I can keep up with them. Instead, I ask myself, “Who do I have to become in order to keep up with the big fish in the sea?” I have to learn how to keep up with them, and expect no less from those that operate around me. 


THURSDAY, 18 January 2018:

“Fuel 681: Start Fast!!! And Finish Weak???”


Life is easy to get started. I had the beginning of this morning start out fantastic as my oldest daughter woke herself up early and has been helping her younger sister out as well, knowing that she needs extra time in the morning to become productive. I also started my morning surf session off great, but the massive swells that have been hitting the beach were out of reach, resulting in more somersaults and cartwheels than surfing on very many waves. I got home, only to discover that the quick start from the morning had turned into an absolute shit show instead. And that’s often how life is: we start fast only to finish weak. If you’ve ever taken the Kolbe A Index, I am a #10 in Quick Start, meaning that I’m all about starting shit up fast, but we don’t really get a whole lot of points in life for starting shit up fast only to have it fizzle out and die soon after. It requires steadfast commitment to see that which we desire through. There’s no secret formula. 


FRIDAY, 19 January 2018:

“Fuel 682: Broken Boards and Waves that Are Big”


A wave had its way with me during this morning’s surf session, tossing me around like a rag doll that results in breaking my board in half, all because I hesitated for a moment and rode into the wave a few feet beyond the point that would have brought a smooth ride. This experience taught me a lot about my role as a father, in which I have waves of experiences with my children, but where I time my input will either make or break the perception that my children will have in their lives. The same wave that would have given me power, courage and joy is the same power that broke me. Similarly, when I become unaware of the timing my power as a father with children under my stewardship, I’ve realized that I the struggles that occur with our relationship comes down to guiding my children from a place of power that will break them instead of make them strong, powerful people of their own. 


All of these episodes and more can be found inside of iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher and Soundcloud. 

And here are the links for the newly released Warrior Empire Network: 

The Warrior Week Podcast Movie:


For Warrior Week Podcast Show Notes go to:



The Warrior Wealth Podcast Movie:


For Warrior Wealth Podcast Show Notes go to:



The Date Your Wife Podcast Movie:


For Date Your Wife Podcast Show Notes go to:



The Big Money Stylist Podcast Movie:


For Big Money Stylist Podcast Show Notes go to:


Note: You are some of the first listeners to be granted access to these sites, so if the links don’t pull anything up for you yet, it’s because they’re still in development and on the verge of being released within the next few days.


For Show Notes of the Daily Fuel, you can view at:


To get access to the FREE Warrior Software app, go to:


The End.

Garrett J White

Author, Warrior Book
Host, Warrior On Fire
Creator, Warrior Week
Founder, Wake Up Warrior

I’m so proud of my wife, Danielle K White, for hitting the #1 Spot in iTunes for her pilot episode of Big Money Stylist podcast! 

Whether you’re familiar with the hair industry or not, there is absolute GOLD to learn from this podcast. 

Click HERE to Subscribe and Leave a Review in iTunes.