We continue to take the podcast world by storm with the newly launched Warrior Empire Network, so I want to personally thank those of you that have been listening to the Wake Up Warrior podcast and are now listening to the other podcasts as well.
In case you haven’t had a chance to check them out, links are posted at the end of this email for you to click on and subscribe.
Now, let’s talk about what’s been happening these last few days, in which I gain a NEW addiction to talk about.
I give you the Week In Review for January 20-26:
SATURDAY, 20 January 2017:
“Fuel 683: The Pucker Factor Is Strong”
The experience and knowledge that I’ve accumulated in learning one surfing technique doesn’t always work in other areas, especially when using a different board. Across our world, there are techniques and experiences that once worked of us in the past that will no longer bring us results toward expansion until we’re willing to look at making a different approach with it.
SUNDAY, 21 January 2017:
“Fuel 684: What the Fuck is Wrong with Your Hair?”
From nose trimmers to what looked like spray paint on a man’s head, HAIR is the topic that was discussed in today’s Daily Fuel, particularly a man’s hair. I’ve always had a full head of hair, so I admit that it’s hard for me to grasp the struggle that other men have in salvaging the remaining hair that they have instead of just shaving it off. It all comes down to understanding the context behind the actions of a person instead of quickly passing judgment on their decisions.
MONDAY, 22 January 2018:
“Fuel 685: Mother Fucker…I’m Trying to Help You!!!”
A run-in at the gas station with a DUI driver and completely lit passenger served as a reminder that even when we want to help others, sometimes all they want to do is to tell us to fuck off. This goes both ways, as there have also been people that have tried to help me and instead I not only tell them no, I get angry at them for offering to help me. Whether it’s miscommunication, distrust or lack of understanding, there is help all around us that is constantly not being accepted.
TUESDAY, 23 January 2018:
“Fuel 686: Reps, Reps….And Get Your Hands Forward”
I realized that there’s a connection between surf sessions and float tanks beyond salt water. They’re both experiences that bring about different results in my life after shaking things up and trying reps upon reps with new tactics to create better changes.
WEDNESDAY, 24 January 2018:
“Fuel 687: Old People…You’re Going to Die”
We all get slapped with the old stick eventually, and such was the case for me after observing a few old people around me the morning I created this podcast, realizing that one day, I’m going to be old as well. In fact, it made me remember that I’m not as young as I used to be and there are certain things in my life that I no longer feel like I need to prove myself anymore with, especially in regards to sports and endurance activities, so now life is about longevity and enjoying what experiences come my way.
THURSDAY, 25 January 2018:
“Fuel 688: Farting in a Float Tank”
As you may have gathered by now this week, I’ve taken up a new addiction by using float tanks on a steady basis, finding yet another thing that brings peace to my chaotic life by self-sabotage an experience that’s meant to bring ultimate relaxation. I farted in the pod, creating a covered wagon experience of smelling my own stench that took away from the relaxation I was supposed to be having at the time. This made me realize that like every well-meaning intention that we have in life, as humans there’s inevitably a time in which we fuck the situation up, despite what our initial desire was.
FRIDAY, 26 January 2018:
“Fuel 689: But I Tried to Call Corporate….And No One Responded”
Oh yes, it was yet another day of using the float tank, feeling good especially because I was wearing my anti-ball crushing pants from LuLuLemon (ABC pants…look them up) and encountered a woman throwing a whiny temper tantrum about her experience, which we’ll call a whantrum: an adult woman throwing a whiny fit. She looked fucking ridiculous, I’m not going to lie. This triggered within me the times that I’ve had my own mantrums, making me realize that we become so used to having things done for us that we expect more than what we pay for only to throw a huge fit when reality slaps us in the face.
All of these episodes and more can be found inside of iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher and Soundcloud.
And here are the links for the newly released Warrior Empire Network:
The Warrior Week Podcast Movie:
For Warrior Week Podcast Show Notes go to:
The Warrior Wealth Podcast Movie:
For Warrior Wealth Podcast Show Notes go to:
The Date Your Wife Podcast Movie:
For Date Your Wife Podcast Show Notes go to:
The Big Money Stylist Podcast Movie:
For Big Money Stylist Podcast Show Notes go to:
Note: The Warrior Team is continually improving these freshly launched sites, thank you for your patience while we get them to look as elite as we know they will be.
For Show Notes of the Daily Fuel, you can view at:
To get access to the FREE Warrior Software app, go to:
The End.
Garrett J White
Author, Warrior Book
Host, Warrior On Fire
Creator, Warrior Week
Founder, Wake Up Warrior

My new addiction.