[Time Sensitive] Get Your Personal Copy of the Warrior BlackBook TODAY!

Introducing… The


“How to Master the Art and Science of Having It All!”

Men Before You Have Paid $1,000 – $10,000 To Master the Art & Science of Having It All!

Today, You Can Secure Your Personal Copy of the BlackBook For Just $99.97 + Shipping!

>> Secure Your BlackBook Copy NOW!

I invite you to consider the following.

There are 720 hours in a 30-day month. Each day brother, if you invest one hour into the BlackBook, this accounts for less than 4% of your month.

At the heart of the Warrior’s Way is an exponential quotient.

Men who invest their focus 90 days at a time, often collapse one to two years of work bringing future results into the present even quicker.

This isn’t theory, it is now proven fact.

My question for you is this.

“Are you willing to invest 4% of your time to collapse one year of expanding the quality of your life into 90 days? Or two years of your life into six months or three years of your life into nine months?”

If the answer is no, then close this email immediately.

You will never have it all.

But if by chance, your answer is YES, understand that your investment into yourself through this BlackBook over the next 60 days will already begin holding results that may have taken you three years originally.

Instead having it come to you much, much quicker.

>> Secure Your BlackBook Copy NOW!

“400 Copies of the BlackBook SOLD-OUT In Just 59 Minutes and 33 Seconds!”

July 4th, 2017 marked a historical day in the Wake Up Warrior Movement’s History.

The Complete Warrior’s Way Doctrine was made available to the public for the first time ever – in print format.

For YEARS, THOUSANDS of men just like you have been sitting on the sidelines waiting… Waiting for their shot to get IN and begin their Warrior’s Way Journey of “Having It All.”

See, previously – to even get STARTED with Warrior, you would have to make a $10,000 investment for Warrior Week. Then came the BlackBox, a $5,000 investment. Then the WarriorBook, a $1,000 investment.

This has all been available for years, but for the very first time, the entire SCIENCE of the Warrior’s Way was made available to the public @ 6am PST July 4th, 2017 through 400 copies of the BlackBook.

Needless to say, we sold-out quickly.

In fact, the 422 Copies of the BlackBook SOLD-OUT in just 59 minutes and 33 seconds! (Yes, we over-sold!)

Maybe you were one of the HUNDREDS of men who missed the boat that day and BEGGED me for a 2nd chance. Problem was, I had no more copies.

Point is this: I don’t fuck around…

…and mark my words – this is an OPPORTUNITY that WILL be GONE if you wait.

Brother, this is your shot.

Join Me TODAY in the Warrior’s Way of “Having It All!”

Join a thousand plus men from around the world who have proven this to work. Become the next case study of Wake Up Warrior.

Put this book on your shelf, pull this book out daily and study it.

Garrett J White Black Book

>> Secure Your BlackBook Copy NOW!

You have an opportunity here, brother. There’s moments in all of our lives, moments where a window opens, an opportunity is found.

And inside of that opportunity, there are those who choose to step through it, and those who shrink out of fear.

I have literally eliminated every possible fucking obstacle you could have found.

Make the investment brother. Make the investment in YOU!

Make the investment in your QUEEN!

Make the investment in your CHILDREN!

Make the investment in your FAMILY!

Get off the fucking sidelines. And get in the game with us.

Which is “if the king doesn’t rise, the kingdom dies.”

“If the King Doesn’t Rise the Kingdom Dies!”

Let that sink in for a moment.

Then Click the Blue Button Below and tell me where to ship you your personal copy of the BlackBook.


– Garrett J. White

Founder of Wake Up Warrior
Creator of the #WarriorsWay
Creator of WarriorWeek
Author of the Warrior BlackBook

P.S. Everything as you know it is about to change for the better – and the man you are today, reading this email, will be unrecognizable in 60 days IF YOU JUST DO THE WORK!

The truth is, most men would do NOTHING with this…

Which is why most men fail.


So don’t act like it…Take action.

Everything else will fall into place from there.

So gear up my brother…

Your Journey to “Having It All” Begins HERE. NOW!

I’m excited for you!

Warrior BlackBook

“1000’s of Men, 17 Countries and 8 Years of Research – All Distilled Into The Ultimate Guide For Modern Businessmen To Have It All!”


>> Secure Your BlackBook Copy NOW!