Play the Daily Game of CORE 4


1 Point – Body – Fitness .5 + Fuel .5

1 Point – Being – Meditation .5 + Memoirs .5  

1 Point – Balance – Partner/Person 1 – .5 + Posterity/Person 2 – .5 

1 Point – Business – Discover .5 + Declare .5


The essence of a fulfilling and transformative life is embedded within the fabric of The Core. As we’ve journeyed through the domains of Body, Being, Balance, and Business, the intertwining threads of The Code, The Game, and The Stack have become evident. Now, it’s time to distill, understand, and act

BODY (Chapter #23)

  • Action: Embrace a daily physical activity (e.g., lifting, running, swimming, yoga).
  • Points: .5 for your workout, .5 for consuming a green smoothie.

Goal: Fortify your physical health and energy.

BEING (Chapter #24)

  • Action: Meditate daily to tap into your spiritual core. Compose memoirs to grasp the essence of your soulful experiences.
  • Points: .5 for meditation, .5 for memoirs.

Goal: Align with your higher self and achieve inner tranquility.

BALANCE (Chapter #25)

  • Action: Send daily gratitude messages to fortify relationships with your partner (spouse) and posterity (children).
  • Points: .5 when expressing gratitude to your spouse, .5 for one child or two pivotal figures in your life.

Goal: Foster deeper emotional connections and bridges.

BUSINESS (Chapter #26)

  • Action: Dedicate time to study financial topics or pivotal business skills. Share newfound knowledge.
  • Points: .5 for discovery, .5 for declaring.

Goal: Hone your entrepreneurial mindset and master the nuances of business.

Daily Total Points: 4 

(Mantra: “Hit your four before the door to prep for war”)

Weekly Total Points: 28 

(Mantra: “28 or die”)

Connecting to The Code (Chapters #6 – 10): The Code serves as our moral anchor, guiding every step we take. When immersed in The Core daily, it’s paramount to remain aligned with this Code, ensuring our pursuits in Body, Being, Balance, and Business resonate with our core values.

Connecting to The Game (Chapters #11 – 16): Life is a dynamic, ever-evolving game. The Core is our master strategy. By engaging in each domain, we’re not just accruing points but crafting a richer, more profound life experience.

Connecting to The Stack (Chapters #17 – 20): The Stack offers a structured blueprint to process and reflect upon our emotions and experiences. As we delve deeper into Core, it aids us in managing any emotional or mental challenges that arise, steering us toward clarity and purpose.

Power Tracking: Vigilant tracking magnifies commitment. Every point amassed in the Core symbolizes personal growth, progress, and alignment with our life’s vision. It’s a journey of evolution; are you geared up for it?